Dec 13, 2006


i recently discovered that it's difficult to look for a job. it's been a week now since i posted my resume online. and nobody who's called me with a job offer wants me to stay in texas. and i refuse to leave my hubby. so i've had a depressing week of turning down job profiles i absolutely LOVED!

it's more difficult, when u haven't had to "look" for a job since u convocated *i hate saying "passed out!" i didn't "pass out", i walked out!* it's never been difficult in the past 4 odd years. maybe coz i stayed at the hub *bbay*, where if i quit one job, i had 4 others in the pipeline, waiting to be signed on. maybe because i worked in a niche, growing industry. maybe because i already dealt with my future recruiters & they'd be more than happy to have me on their side. *that's what we use our "communication management" for, i guess!*
now, it suddenly seems SO different. and difficult. and that's because:
a. i don't have a network here.
b. i barely understand their accents. *i follow if i'm face-to-face with them; phone calls are difficult. really difficult.*
c. i can't relocate. *cowboy land it is*
d. i need a visa sponsor.
e. i need to plan for a job, which i would be doing a YEAR from now! *?!?!?*
f. i don't know what i want to do. *this, has been a perpetual problem. so, can be ignored*

plus, i have no clue why i'm looking for a job. it's not that i want a job. but yeah, i might want it after a year. hmm... i hadn't thought so much even before deciding to get married! i'm impulsive. i haven't ever been able to plan things & execute those plans. *that's not a gr8 thing to say when u're looking for a job, is it?*

now, all i can do is hope that my half-hearted attempts at speaking to the barneys *who specified, his name was LIKE d purple dinosaurs* and lynnes and reisers and travis's bear me some results. positive ones, at that too!

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