there've been so many times that i've read through some blogs and wondered if i can ever reach that level. that is why when dottie

Here are the rules to follow:
1. When you receive the prize you must write a post showing it, together with the name of who has given it to you, and link them back
2. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs (or even more) that you find brilliant in their content or design.
3. Show their names and links and leave them a comment informing they were prized with ‘Brilliant Weblog’
4. Show a picture of those who awarded you and those you give the prize (optional).
5. And then we pass it on!"
And the seven brilliant weblogs I award are:
i. galadriel : i like her design *yeah yeah, i grudgingly approve* and i LOVE the content. read this
ii. solitaire: she continues to educate, question, entertain and stir up emotions that are commonly termed as "disturbing". and she manages all her blogs AND a career. awesome.
iii. dottie. she's single-handedly responsible for my baking skills (?) and of course, her parenting tips are something i'm gonna preserve for when i need them.
iv. mayg: love her blog - content AND design. her point of view is just so refreshing! and of course, she ROCKS at her work. i bow to this master.
v. dewdrop
vi. lena
vii. keshi: candid, straight-from-the-heart... love the confidence and the variety of topics she blogs about. every morning, there's a post that makes me think... she MAKES time to blog. and actually reads all ur posts, understands and comments.
there ya go... spread the sunshine, gals!
and dottie... thanks! :)
edited to add: this post also marks the 2nd happy budday of this space. yeah, i've been at this for 2 years. WOW.
Awwwwww!! You wonderful sweet thing!!! Thanks :D I don't really deserve it, mostly because my blog isn't anythig great to look at... but am hoping there is someone out there nice enough to do me a good design so I shall someday actually win an award for that. Then too, it would belong to the designer of course :D
it's for "content" too, sweets! :)
as i said... ur design needs a LOT of work! :D
yayy... i LOVE having won something!!! thank ye.. :D
woah! thanks girl :D
and congrats for your brilliante ;) blog award!! surely a very well deserved recognition.. your blog is always such a treat to drop by!
thanks a lot, girl! You really made my day/night! :D
Feels good to receive awards :D
WOW this is BRILLIANT indeedz :) Congrattz Raysh u so deserve it! Cos ur very honest, sensible, straight to the point, truly caring and understanding. I luv coming here!
And ty so very much for passing it on to me too..aww that was v sweet of ya MWAH! :) I'll display it on my blog soon. Awards galore this week wow Im chuffed!
*HUGZ* hv a good one luv!
Congratulations!! When I received your message this afternoon, I was wondering what it was that I had to "pick up"! Now tell me...which blog do you want me to put this on?
Congrats to u n the rest on the award :)Go celebrate it over the long wknd!
Congats dear.. you do deserve this!!!
A award, a new apartment and the MIL there to help...u are lucky girl!!!
Hoping to see you back soon! with that news which will turn into good news and will be tellable....good luck for it!!!
Congrats!! :-)
Come back soon to regular blogging!!!
happee burthday!
Oh god!! For a second I thought I'd forgotten your budday!! :D
come pick up an award
Congrats Ms. Brilliantine. :D
Yeah yeah, I know, I am just making smart-ass comments. And hey.... happy burday to the blog... I remember you'd forgotten it last year *wicked smile on face*
wow.. sweet!! :)
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