now, dottie is a person whom i'm quite in awe of. i still don't know why. she's one of those people whom u just "know" are nice. and u hope their niceness will rub off on u in some way or the other. of course, the fact that she volunteers to send cake for vin is only further proof of her niceness. and now, she's gone ahead and pledged her Chip to my future daughter. that's one of the key reasons why i want to have a daughter now. so she can marry His Chipness. and then, i can brag of being related to dottie.
abt the award... it's said *and i've copied* that "This award will be awarded to those that are just nice people, good blog friends and those that inspire good feelings and inspiration! Those that care about others that are there to lend support or those that are just a positive influence in our blogging world!"

upsi: she pops up when i need her the most. i have no clue how she knows. and everytime, she cheers me up. even a mail from her makes me smile and feel good. i promise, i shall come to dallas to meet u soon. of course, u remember the payasam, right?
solitaire: she knows exactly what to say & when. her genuineness really really manages to make me feel all warm & fuzzy. am so glad u're shifting into the n'hood, gurl! :)
preethi: absolute optimist. she can fill you up with so much positivity, you'd be hopping around like an energizer bunny on steroids. she makes you feel nice about the world. despite rising fuel prices, global warming, personal lows... anything. keep smiling, gurl. it's one infection we can do with!
suma: she's someone who can point out the silver lining on the darkest cloud. when u're her friend, you needn't worry about finding a shoulder to cry on. i hope someday i can be somewhat like her.
there! go on, gurlz... your turn to spread the love...
p.s.: my blog-roll has disappeared. and i'm still WAY back on catching up on most of ur blogs. so pliss to bear with the me. any inconvenience is slightly regretted.
[galadriel]: *sigh* SHOO!! SHOO!!! aa jaate hain comment likhne... go, defend..!
:) Congrats!..well deserved award n gr8 timing im guessin!
thanks so much.. for the wonderful words.. and congrats.. you do deserve this!
Like pavi said - very well deserved indeed. Congrats!
what are you doing here? go and work on having that daughter :D
oooh!! am i the Suma in this..she sure sounds very very nice...
and looks like there is a lot of luving going on somewhere...
psst...twin gurls would be for chip and one for my boy...:D
Oh no you deserver it dear...Take care and happy that you are back..
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